Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 1 - 6 of 32
Bankers are dictating the Albanese government’s policies on fining executives, cashless banking. Who’s running Australia? The banks.
  • Postal Savings Bank
The major banks and major political parties rigged the Regional Banking Taskforce to green-light an acceleration of devastating regional bank branch closures.
  • Postal Savings Bank
Australians smashed by interest rate rises are paying the price for decades of the Reserve Bank of Australia ignoring its lawful mandate in favour of a policy dictated by neoliberal think tanks.
  • National Banking
The Big Four banks claim customers are “choosing” to bank online, but they are trying to force Australians into digital vulnerability to boost their own profits and control.
  • Postal Savings Bank
  • Cash Ban
Watch and share this important video that gives crucial insights into the Christine Holgate scandal and how a public postal bank is the solution to many of Australia’s economic problems.
  • Postal Savings Bank
The Australian banks treat small and medium enterprises (SMEs) very badly.
  • Postal Savings Bank