Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 1 - 6 of 14
Israel’s killing of Australian aid worker Zomi Frankcom and six World Central Kitchen colleagues in Gaza on 1 April has brought home to Australia’s government and broader community the reality of Netanyahu’s indiscriminate, plausibly genocidal sla
  • War
Andrew Hastie and Tony Abbott are trying to install a candidate in WA who has written a fictional book to scare people about a Chinese invasion of Australia.
  • War
  • China
Yesterday, 31 January, Australian Citizens Party (ACP) Research Director Robert Barwick wrote to the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) referring former Prime Minister Scott Morrison for investigation.
  • War
Since the election in May, the Morrison government, Reserve Bank and Australian Prudential Regulation Authority have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at reversing the fall in house prices.
  • Housing
  • Financial Crisis
Scott Morrison’s obsequious falling in behind the United States and United Kingdom in targeting Iran again confirms the late former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser’s assertion that Australia does not have an independent foreign policy.
  • War
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) slashed its interest rate by a drastic 0.5 per cent (50 basis points) earlier this month, to 1 per cent.
  • Bail-in
  • Financial Crisis