Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

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Mortgage stress now grips 42 per cent of Australian households, according to a UNSW City Futures Research Centre survey. This is a sharp increase from 30 per cent in February 2020.
  • Housing
  • Financial Crisis
On 18 September 2015, knife-wielding terrorists killed 50 off-duty workers at a coal mine. “Nearly all the workers who were not on shift at the time were killed or injured”, said police officer Ekber Hashim, according to Reuters.
  • China
  • Terrorism
Since the election in May, the Morrison government, Reserve Bank and Australian Prudential Regulation Authority have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at reversing the fall in house prices.
  • Housing
  • Financial Crisis
While the major banks, regulators and government have done everything in their power to block any moves towards bank separation, they have ignored one important point: separation would be good for the banks as businesses.
  • Glass-Steagall
The local mayor, state MP and federal MP for Mandurah, Western Australia, have attacked the Interests Of The People (IOTP) show “The Economic Massacre of Mandurah”
  • Housing
If there were any doubt that Australia’s banking system is corrupt, Graeme Samuel’s Capability Review of the bank regulator, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), removes it completely.
  • Bail-in
  • Housing