Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 1 - 6 of 32
The last Treasurer questioned the safety of super fund derivatives, but the biggest derivatives gamblers are the banks. Only a public post office bank will keep deposits truly safe.
  • Postal Savings Bank
  • Derivatives
AAP’s “fact check” of the Citizens Party’s warnings against deposit bail-in does nothing to reassure Australians their savings are safe.
  • Bail-in
NZ’s Ardern government has dropped a planned bail-in law, to avoid a backlash from an angry public who won’t want their deposits stolen; Kiwis and Aussies should demand their governments jettison all bail-in powers.
  • Bail-in
Breaking! Senator Malcolm Roberts said today: “This fight is not over.
  • Bail-in
Ask Anthony Albanese: why are you protecting Scott Morrison instead of our bank deposits?
  • Bail-in
The Morrison government is trying to fool the public.
  • Bail-in