Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 7 - 12 of 13
To help escalate pressure on Albanese, get involved—email, call, join delegations, and rally at the Victorian ALP conference on Saturday the 17th which the PM will attend (details below).
  • War
For detailed, expert analysis that confirms Paul Keating’s position, watch the ACP’s Citizens Insight interview with former Ambassador John Lander, “
  • War
  • China
Click here to watch retired Australian Ambassador John Lander’s address to the USA’s Committee for the Republic.
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  • China
Scott Morrison’s obsequious falling in behind the United States and United Kingdom in targeting Iran again confirms the late former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser’s assertion that Australia does not have an independent foreign policy.
  • War
If the thought police in Australia’s media stopped protecting the military-industrial complex, our nation could play a decisive role in preventing war with Iran, a confrontation that could easily drag in Russia and China and risk thermonuclear Arm
  • Police state
  • War
The following release is an article by Robert Barwick in the 29 May 2019 Australian Alert Service, the weekly magazine of the Citizens Electoral Council.
  • Police state
  • Russia
  • War