Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 1 - 6 of 28
In two weeks, the moral fibre of Australia’s political and judicial system will be put to its latest test when war crimes whistleblower David McBride is put on what is likely to be a secret trial. He faces up to 50 years in prison.
  • Foreign Policy
  • Police state
This week, the 16th anniversary of the founding of WikiLeaks, is a week of action around the world for WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange.
  • Foreign Policy
  • Police state
Julian Assange is the ultimate test of the independence of Australia’s foreign policy.
  • Police state
  • Foreign Policy
The following article on justice for Julian Assange was published in the Australian Alert Service on 23 October.
  • Police state
While the major banks, regulators and government have done everything in their power to block any moves towards bank separation, they have ignored one important point: separation would be good for the banks as businesses.
  • Glass-Steagall
If the thought police in Australia’s media stopped protecting the military-industrial complex, our nation could play a decisive role in preventing war with Iran, a confrontation that could easily drag in Russia and China and risk thermonuclear Arm
  • Police state
  • War