Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 13 - 18 of 75
Israel’s killing of Australian aid worker Zomi Frankcom and six World Central Kitchen colleagues in Gaza on 1 April has brought home to Australia’s government and broader community the reality of Netanyahu’s indiscriminate, plausibly genocidal sla
  • War
Today is Cash Out Tuesday, when Aussies are urged to withdraw some cash from a bank, ATM or EFTPOS retailer to send a message to bankers that we don’t want their cashless economy.
  • Cash Ban
The latest UK Court ruling on Assange is an opportunity for Australians to bombard politicians with calls and emails demanding action before 16 April—details below.
  • Police state
NEW: Sign the new petition to “Save Cheques”.
  • Banking / Finance
  • Postal Savings Bank
Andrew Hastie and Tony Abbott are trying to install a candidate in WA who has written a fictional book to scare people about a Chinese invasion of Australia.
  • War
  • China
“Will the Albanese government allow CBA and BankWest to thumb their noses at their social licence and rip away all BankWest branch services in WA, or will they put their foot down and say enough is enough?”
  • Banking / Finance