Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Stop the 'Cash Ban' Bill

  1. Contact MPs/Senators - Register your opposition
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  3. Sign & Share the STOP the cash ban petition - Stop Scott Morrison from banning cash to trap Australians in banks!

Urgent message to all Tasmanians:

Tell Jacqui Lambie to vote against the cash ban!

Senator Jacqui Lambie has set up a website to survey Tasmanians on how she should vote on legislation, starting with the cash ban bill.

It is absolutely vital that you as a Tasmanian go to her website straight away and fill out the survey, telling her to vote NO.

Please share this email as widely as possible with your fellow Tasmanians, and tell them to also vote immediately. ONLY Tasmanians should vote – Jacqui only wants to hear from her constituents, and all Tasmanians are her constituents.

It is imperative that Jacqui get as many responses as possible before Monday when Parliament resumes, so she can inform her fellow Senators, especially her fellow Tasmanian Senators, just how much the public are opposed to this totalitarian law that will send us to jail for spending our own cash and force us to use banks for everything.

Go to Jacqui’s website NOW:

Crisis rumblings in global financial system make stopping cash ban and bail-in urgent to force the government to reform the failed financial system, not prop it up at the people’s expense.

Download 4-page flyer: Fight the totalitarian ban on cash!

The fight against “bail-in” is on! The Morrison government has released for consultation a new law that bans cash transactions over $10,000. The pretext for this law is to crack down on money laundering and tax evasion in the “black economy”. This is a shameless lie! The formal recommendation to ban cash comes from “big four” global accounting firm KPMG, which is an accomplice of the world’s biggest money launderers and tax evaders. The real purpose for the cash ban is to trap Australians in the banking system, so they cannot escape negative interest rates or having their bank deposits “bailed in”.

The fight against the Morrison government’s totalitarian cash ban has achieved an important breakthrough. Thanks to the thousands of submissions and phone calls that Treasury and MPs have received from fired-up Australians, the Labor Party has not done its usual roll-over to the government and banks, but has done the right thing and demanded proper process. On September 19, Labor joined with One Nation, the Greens and Centre Alliance to overrule the government and refer the bill to a Senate committee for an extended inquiry that is due to report by 7 February 2020. This means that Morrison cannot stick to his schedule of banning cash transactions over $10,000 starting 1 January.

Australia doesn't have a serious black economy! Click here to find out more.


As with the APRA crisis management “bail-in” law that the government snuck through Parliament in February 2018—with a loophole that could be used to seize deposits to prop up failing banks—the government hopes to pass the cash ban bill with very little scrutiny. This process happens all too often in Australia’s Parliament, with the complicity of compliant politicians in the major parties, which have been thoroughly captured by corrupt vested interests, especially the banks.

Frydenberg is especially desperate to avoid scrutiny of the cash ban bill, as the pretext for the ban is false and easily discredited. The CEC and other opponents of the cash ban have proved:

  • The excuse of eliminating the so-called “black economy” is a lie. The most authoritative studies, published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), show that Australia does not have a serious black economy problem, as: 1) Australia has the 10th smallest black economy in the world; 2) Australia’s black economy almost halved between 1991 and 2015; and 3) the near cashless Scandinavian economies all experienced expansions of their black economies after reducing cash use. The Black Economy Taskforce report* that recommended the $10,000 ban makes unverified claims that Australia’s black economy has grown, without proof.
  • The biggest perpetrators of real black economy crimes are the ones pushing the cash ban! The author of the Black Economy report, Michael Andrew (now deceased), was a former boss of global accounting giant KPMG, which along with the other Big Four accounting firms are the corrupt bookkeepers for the real global black economy involving trillions of dollars of offshore tax evasion and money laundering by multinational banks and corporations.
  • The cash ban will turn Australia into a fascist surveillance state. The former boss of KPMG recommended the $10,000 cash ban to “move people and businesses out of cash and into the banking system”; other KPMG executives have already lobbied for a ban as low as $2,000; and KPMG is also coordinating a project led by the Reserve Bank, and involving Australia’s biggest private banks and the cashless welfare card company Indue, to establish the privately controlled New Payments Platform as the infrastructure for a cashless economy. In a 2017 interview Michael Andrew advocated an Orwellian “shift from a cash to a non-cash society where we can therefore monitor and measure people’s activities”, and reversing the onus of proof to enable summary punishment for offenders.
  • The real reason for the cash ban is trap Australians in banks, so they can’t escape extreme policies such as bail-in and negative interest rates. The IMF is openly pushing cash restrictions to stop people from withdrawing their money from banks, otherwise negative interest rates won’t work. The European Union has just enacted restrictions on bank withdrawals so people can’t avoid bail-ins.

It’s time to step up the fight! We are fighting for civil liberties, but also to reform the failed financial system. Negative interest rates and bail-in are a desperate attempt to prop up the banks’ debt and derivatives bubble that is smothering the global financial system. We must instead force through reforms such as the Glass-Steagall separation of banking from speculation, and national banking to direct public credit into the real economy.


Cash Ban
Page last updated on 27 April 2020

Campaign Updates

9 Mar 2023
In a press conference on 22 February, Reserve Bank of New Zealand Governor Adrian Orr warned that the "drive to a cashless society" had left the nation vulnerable.
  • Cash Ban
26 Aug 2021
  • Australia Post
  • Cash Ban
  • Banking / Finance
4 Dec 2020
The Senate voted unanimously yesterday to remove the $10,000 cash transaction ban bill from the Notice Paper, effectively dumping it from this Parliament.
  • Cash Ban
25 Sep 2020
The Morrison government’s bill to ban cash transactions over $10,000 would send Australians to jail for spending their own cash. Cooked up by crooked accounting firm KPMG, the proposed law is touted as necessary to combat money laundering and tax evasion in the so-called “black economy”.
  • Cash Ban
26 Jun 2020
Channel 7 News reported on 19 June that the banks are boasting of using the COVID-19 pandemic to ram through their cashless economy agenda. The banks had a five-year plan to reduce cash use, but thanks to coronavirus they achieved their goal in just 10 weeks!
  • Cash Ban
19 Jun 2020
The banks want to make us go cashless to boost their control, not protect our health.
  • Cash Ban
3 Apr 2020
While Australian people and businesses are being understandably cautious about handling cash in this pandemic, the rumours that the World Health Organisation (WHO) warned against using cash are false and risk creating a false sense of security about paying with cards.
  • Cash Ban
20 Mar 2020
Across Australia people are trying to pull their savings from banks. So far it is a slow, silent “run”, not enough to be a systemic threat with crowds gathering outside of bank branches. But it is accelerating.
  • Cash Ban
  • Bail-in
2 Mar 2020
The Labor Party now owns the cash ban law. They have “Albowed” Morrison and the government aside to take charge of the law that, stripped to its essence, will jail Australians for not using banks. Australians should call Albo and every Labor MP and Senator and demand to know why.
  • Cash Ban
18 Feb 2020
Valentine’s Day last week was the second anniversary of the government ramming through its “bail-in” law to steal deposits for propping up failing banks.
  • Cash Ban
  • Bail-in